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(Click on the link to open the PDF File for the cycle menus.)

Menus (English)

Menus (Spanish)

Menus (Vietnamese)

Nutrition Guides and Posters


Serving Milk in the CACFP 

Choosing Cereals Lower in Sugar 

What is considered Wholegrain Rich?

Child CACFP Food Chart

Spanish (Español)

Como determinar si el producto es grano entero enriquecido 

Elija cereales para el desayuno bajos en azúcares añadidas 

Serviendo Leche 

Tabla de Alimentos para Niños en el CACFP 

CN Labels and Product Formulation Statements

CN Labels (Child Nutrition Labels) are required for any pre-packaged foods that contain more than one component. Examples would be Chicken Nuggets, Fish Sticks, Frozen Pizza, Frozen Burritoes, etc. In order to know how much of each product to serve the children, the USDA has worked with the manufacturers to breakdown the contents of each of these pre-packaged foods and lists exactly how much of each item needs to be served in order to meet the minimum serving size for that component. Fried crispy chicken nuggets with ketchup on white board

Here is an example of a CN Label:

Many of these products' packaging no longer contain the actual CN Label. So the USDA has created a CN Label database that is maintained monthly. All products that qualify for a CN label and therefore can be served in a childcare home or center will be listed on this database along with the serving size. Click this link to take you to their data base!

USDA CN Label Data Base 

(click on the "CN Label Verification Report" link)

If the product cannot be found on this database, another avenue to persue would be to contact the Manufacturer (usually through their website's "contact us" link) and email them the UPC code and the Product code and request a Product Formulation Statement - these statements can be used instead of a CN Label. 

Here is an example of a Product Formulation Statement (PFS):
